Returns for a full refund are accepted up to 7 working days after purchase if the garment is not worn and has the original tags still attached.
We offer free returns within South Africa. Returns from outside the borders of South Africa are for the customer’s account.
Knitwear is easily snagged and pulled. We guarantee that your garments leave the factory without any pulls so take great care to avoid snags as we cannot refund damaged garments.
When the garment is received in good condition, we will happily refund your money within 10 days of receipt of the goods. Of course we hope that never happens! Please don’t forget to send us your correct banking details.
Should you need to return an item to us, please package it securely so that it doesn’t get damaged while being transported. Please email us with the delivery details so that we are aware that the parcel is on its way.
Returns should be sent to:
Attention: Frances Becker
Private Bag X3
Suite 112
St Francis Bay
Eastern Cape